Monday, November 17, 2008

Library 2.0 what do you say? sorry for you folks who have to check our work. Spent alot of time on this; reading articles, etc. John Beck in OCLC Newsletter---key word is environment (he's writing about Boomers and Gamers) People, humans, animals, still need a place, space to be, we exist in the physical world, and most normal humans like it that way...near other people, hearing voices, walking on the ground, sitting on a wonder the libary is such a haven for the mentally's so normal...people feel normal here, they can do normal, familiar, safe, basic things like read, talk to humans, listen, interact...the "touch", socialogically, that's what humans seek...they don't really want to spend all their time in the virtual more gathering spaces, more places to sit & talk, more places for teens to hang & be teens (noisy), Spaces where children can play & be children (noisy),more places where people can eat & drink & have easy clean up (no carpet), yes, people still want DVD's, CD's, even books. Still trying to figure out how we can make the library the place to be to meet people...a singles hangout (wine & cheese nights?) Its like church...people come back once they start a family...How do you keep them coming after high school?

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