Monday, November 24, 2008

Just listened to Tech Therapy Episode 36 Future of College happy to hear echoed my thoughts in earlier college library has gathering place, cafe, treadmills, showers...and is a place that is built to attract young singles. My favorite statement: "If there is a Librarian...its a Library..." Loosely quoted. So in the new Public Libraries, what does it mean when the speicalist in the field can't be found in the Youth Services area and doesn't even have a workspace there? No Librarian, not a Library...just a place with information...I also liked the statement about books being "a symbol of cumulative knowledge" and Libraries need to be "agile" and Technologies require alot of physical energy (electronics powered by electricity).
Library as place to be...which is what I was saying in post. and yes, it is worth keeping those items that haven't been checked out in 10 years. Who is to say they were not used in the building? Peace out.

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