Friday, November 14, 2008


You learn something new; then they change it. Word keeps updating, OPL does not subscribe to Publisher, there is an upgrade on Horizon, SRP requires a barcode and PIN...formats change, magnetic tape, CD's, MP3...cable, fiber optics... I keep telling people the next hing is gel. Yes, GEL. The information will be transmitted, etc. in gel form. And of course, everyone knows this is coming; just implant the communication device in your skull somewhere, or smear it on, if its gel. Big Brother is already watching everywhere. One super cool thing is; books and paper have been around for thousands of years! Every time a new technology comes along we are worried it will replace the previous one...but not necessarily. We still have radio and a new movie theatre just opened in Omaha!
We still recognize how important words and reading are to the new born dangerous quickly flashing images are to them... can lead to ADHD. Change the world: TALK, SING, READ to Baby. It's so low tech, anthropologically basic, & it prepares baby for the everchanging future.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
